Adults who continue to fight and argue in public

Charlie Anne 🌻🌻
4 min readOct 21, 2022
Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

It’s one thing if children fight over everything and anything. Children do not know any better. They have not mastered the art of being human. They are still learning the world around them. Children learn from the adults around them. Adults are the foundation and the blue print for children. Adults are suppose to be role models for their children. If the adults in the world are consistently fighting over everything and anything whose suppose to shape the children of tomorrow?

I have never seen more individuals for road rage for counsel prior to now. I have never seen so many adults who are mandated to take classes for fighting, and anger management prior to now. I have never seen so many individuals who are mandated to take classes for so many trivial things. I mean minor things that could have been prevented. Is arguing and fighting in public becoming normalize? It is a normal occurrence for people to fight and argue in public as of now without embarrassment. It is almost as if a green light has been issued for people to fight and disrespect others.

Adults are now disrespecting their children’s teachers, grocery workers, doctors, bus drivers in front of children. Adults are now fighting and arguing in public openly with no shame attach. Who gave the green light for people to disrespect one another out in the open? Who gave the green light for adults to start behaving like children over minor things. It is normal behavior for kindergartners and first graders to fight over a spot in line. There is no rational for an adult to fight someone for skipping them in line at grocery store. Children do not have conflict resolution skills. Most adults should have some conflict resolution skills. If an individual has walk this earth for 40 or 45 years, they have live long enough to acquire some of the skills needed to solve problems other than to attack. People no longer practice patience, no one wants to wait in line. Everyone wants instant gratification.

People no longer respect one another. If adults continue to fight and argue over trivial and minor issues in front of their children, what is the message that they are sending? It is OK to to disrespect others. Imagine being arrested over a parking space in front of your children. Imagine being arrested for scratching someones car over a parking space in front of your children. Are parents no longer role models for their children?

Are entertainers the only role models for children that they do not know? Are some parents only relying on athletes, singers, actors, rappers to be their children's role models. I often hear some parents say those individuals are role models. Are they every child’s role model. Are those individuals mingling with everyone's children on a day to day basis? No, they are not. Are most parent mingling with their children on a day to day basis? Yes, at least the responsible ones are.

For a lot of adults it has become a normal thing to rationalize their bad behaviors. You skip me in the grocery store line. Let’s fight. That is nothing more than emotional outburst, aggression and unwanted impulse. People are acting out of impulse more and more. “Fighting is an impulse-driven activity and is loaded with intense feelings and emotions.” There are times people act out due to pre-existing conditions such as a mental health issue. There are a lot of individuals who suffer from mental health issues in the world.

All bad behaviors cannot be attributed to mental health issues. Self control is a skill that develops over time. More and more people today need to learn how to practice self discipline, self control and mindfulness. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is being focused in the present moment. Being aware of ones emotions, thoughts and feelings without judgement. Are adults allowed to make mistakes? Yes. Are adults expected to be perfect?No. Are adults expected to practice self control and will power? Yes, on most occasions.

We need to navigate the world around us with caution and common sense. We need to show a little bit more compassion towards one another. We all have one thing in common and that is being a part of the human race. We need to be more mindful of our actions in public. The next time someone takes a parking space that you were aiming for , find another one. It is not worth a an emotional outburst. It is not worth a psychotic break down. It is not worth a fight or someone ending up in jail. It is not worth someone being on probation for twelve months with the legal system. Walk away and maintain your freedom.

Photo by Mateusz Wacławek on Unsplash

Do you lose control in public over minor things?

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“Compassion isn’t about solutions. It’s about giving all the love that you’ve got.”



Charlie Anne 🌻🌻

I am a masters level clinician. I specialize in trauma and crisis. I Love working with children. I have been watching true crime since forensic files started.