Charlie Anne 🌻🌻
2 min readOct 9, 2022


Symptoms of Anxiety And Types of Anxiety:

All anxiety have this in common, fear and worry. If you experience constant fear and worry, you may be suffering from a form of Anxiety.

Symptoms of anxiety:

Uncontrollable worry

Excessive nervousness

Poor concentration

Sleep problems

Increased heart rate

Upset stomach

Feeling weak or tired



Types of Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety: Worry about a combination of things all the time. For example, work, school, finance, relationships, health body image etc.

Specific Phobias: fear of specific objects or situations. For example, a fear of lizards, spiders, rain etc.

Panic Disorder: an anxious response that cause a person to have a panic attack. During a panic attack, one experience various physical symptoms. For shortness of breathe, rapid heart rate, chest pain, trembling, Dizziness, headaches.

Separation Anxiety: separated from parents. (This applies to children).

Social Anxiety: social situations, fear of being judge by those around you.

Selective Mutism: fear of speaking in social situations. For example, at school, in public. (This applies to children).

Agoraphobia: fear of being public, open and closed spaces. For example, in line, outside. crowds, home alone.

Thank you to my most recent followers. Thank you to all of those who choose to follow me and to those who actually read my postings. Let us continue to read one another’s post.

No one choose to have a mental health condition, it is not a choice. Do not judge, it could be anyone.



Charlie Anne 🌻🌻

I am a masters level clinician. I specialize in trauma and crisis. I Love working with children. I have been watching true crime since forensic files started.